About Us
Our mission is to find the best solution for your needs, no matter what challenges present themselves
Our business was established in 1990 and has been growing ever since. We started off focusing on solar geysers to cut electricity costs, but found at that time that there was more interest in pool heating. Prior to that, we were involved in the manufacture and marketing of pool filtration systems and pumps for 5 years. We consequently gained a lot of experience related to pool filtration and pool heating systems. Having an electronic background, it fitted in very well with the marketing and installation of heat pumps, the alternative means of having your pool, and geyser heated.
In 2006, with the advent of the power crisis and load shedding and the introduction of the new Vacuum Tube Technology for solar geysers in South Africa, there was a huge surge of interest in solar geysers as an alternative energy source for hot water heating.
Since then, as a distributor of the Apollo Solar Geyser Systems, we have supplied hundreds of residential homeowners with solar geyser system solutions, which not only have proved to be wonderful investments , but have also gone a long way in greening our Environment in South Africa.